Wire Bonding 2025 Workshop and Tabletop Exhibition
February 3-4, 2025
westin San DieGo Bayview | San diego, california
The International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society (IMAPS) will host an Advanced Technical Workshop and Tabletop Exhibition on Wire Bonding ~ February 3-4, 2025 in San Diego, California. The
objective of the Wire Bonding Workshop is to have a unique forum that brings together scientists, engineers, manufacturing, academia, and marketing people who have been working in the area of Wire Bonding. This workshop has been
specifically organized to allow for the presentation and debate of some of the latest technologies out there related to the use of Wire Bonding in battery pack, semiconductor and microelectronic packaging.
Opening Remarks - Workshop General Chair Mike McKeown, Hesse Mechatronics
9:00am- 9:45am
Dr. Sarangapani Murali
Fine metal wires made of gold (Au), copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) are ball bonded to bond pads and wedge bonded (stitched) to plated
fingers in the diameter range of 15 to 50 µm. Development of new bonding wire needs to satisfy the critical factors such as; excellent castability, drawability and annealing capability, with homogeneous microstructures,
formation of axi-symmetrical spherical free air ball (FAB), good first and second bond bondability, wide process window, robust looping behavior, and reliable wire bonds. Currently, production of bonding
wire is primarily on Pd coated Cu wire (Cu-Pd and AFPC (with Au Flash)) of about 60%. Yet industrial demand is for novel Au, Ag and Cu based bonding wires used in critical applications. Coated and alloyed copper
wire reveals stable bond interface on thermal ageing yet suffer from galvanic corrosion. Basically, chlorine and sulphur ions in the epoxy molded compounds (EMCs) attack Al-Cu binary bond interface with moisture resulted
with galvanic corrosion. EMCs developed for copper based (bare, doped, alloyed, coated) bonding wires limits chlorine and sulphur below 20ppm, formulated for pH 5 to 7 and with ion-catchers, demonstrated longer reliability
life of copper bonded balls. Interestingly, the bonded ball interface of epoxy molded device has sustained 500 hours on bHAST at +20V bias, 130°C, 85%RH. Thus, epoxy molded devices with Cu wire bonds satisfies the requirements
of Automotive Electronic Council (AEC, Q006 and Q100-RevH), passing 2X stress tests. Silver FAB is soft and it is bonded by the plug-and-play parameters of Au wire bonding process. Alloyed Ag wire bonds behaves
like Cu with galvanic corrosion. Wetting of coated Au on the periphery of axi-symmetrical spherical FAB surface towards its tip is achieved under atmosphere. Thus, rich Au sheath on the FAB surface is protective and
thus promotes good reliability of the bonded ball. Thermal ageing of bonded interface showed the absence of Kirkendall voids until 4000h at 200°C for un-molded device and at 175°C for epoxy molded device. Recently,
the Au coated Ag wire is investigated for stacked devices and for other conventional applications. Thin samples are parted from the bond interface using focus-ion beam (FIB) and analysed using selected area electron
diffraction (SAED) phase analysis that is attached to transmission electron microscope (TEM), revealed predominant Ag2Al phase formation along with the growth of Au4Al Ag3Al, AuAl, Au2Al phases. The unique feature of
this Au coated Ag wire is resistivity and fusing current comparable to 4N Au wire (2.3 µΩ.cm and 350mA for 0.8mil diameter, respectively). The vertical wire bonding method is evaluated on stacked devices.
A stable bonding process window is determined for a low variation in post height (ΔH) within 10µm for tested ranges from 150 to 500µm. Wires with moderate ductility, for instance, 4% Elongation (EL) in 4N Au and Au
coated Ag exhibited low variation in X-shift and Y-shift along with post height across the studied elongation range of 2-8% EL. All the examined wire types: conventional 4N Au, 2N Au, Au coated Ag, Alloyed-Ag,
AFPC, soft 4N Cu satisfied the precision requirements for vertical wire bonding. Moreover, the paper enumerates on the benefits of novel 4N Au and 2N Cu wires currently in developmental stage.
Dr. Murali received his PhD in Metallurgical Engineering from Indian Institute of Science in 1994. He has published/presented more than 130 papers in International Journals/Conferences and have 33 active multi-national granted patent applications. Dr. Murali is currently a Distinguished Engineer at Heraeus Materials Singapore with 34 years of research experience in the industry and academia.
Mr. Kang Sungsig SS Mr. Kang, with 25-year tenure in the semiconductor industry holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA), a Master of Management of Technology (MOT), and a Bachelor’s degree
in Material Science Engineering. His diverse expertise spans wire bond equipment companies like ASM, K&S, assembly packaging at ASE group and STATSChipPAC. Currently, he serves as Head of Innovation at Heraeus Materials
Singapore, Advances in Semiconductor Materials division.
9:45am- 10:15am
New Methodology for Cu-Al Intermetallic Compound Measurement Mirko Alesi, STMicroelecronics
10:15am- 10:25am
10:25am- 11:10am
Coffee Break with Exhibitors*
11:10am- 11:20am
SPONSOR PRESENTATION 2: Hesse Mechatronics
11:20am- 11:50am
Removal of Metal Oxides and Organic Contamination Using Plasmas: A Path to Improved Wire Bonding Daphne Pappas, Plasmatreat USA
11:50am- 12:20pm
Revolutionizing Wire Bond Testing: BAMFIT’s Impact on Reliability and Production Monitoring Josef Sedlmair, F&S Bondtec Semiconductor GmbH
12:20pm- 12:30pm
12:30pm- 2:00pm
Lunch & Networking with Exhibitors
2:00pm- 2:10pm
EXHIBITOR PRESENTATION 4: Maxell Corporation of America
2:10pm- 2:40pm
Application of Cu vs. Au in Al Packaging Manufacturing Be-nazir Khan, Cool ICpack
2:40pm- 3:10pm
How To Deal With Resonances In Wire Bonding Andreas Hanreich, F&K Delvotec Inc.
3:10pm- 3:20pm
EXHIBITOR PRESENTATION 5: Palomar Technologies
3:20pm- 4:05pm
Coffee Break with Exhibitors
4:05pm- 4:15pm
4:15pm- 4:45pm
Identifying Causes of Wire Bond Pad Metal Lift-Off Failures in ENIPIG Deposits Colin Poedtke, Uyemura
4:45pm- 4:55pm
4:55pm- 6:00pm
Happy Hour with the Exhibitors
8:00am- 8:45am
8:45am- 9:00am
Day Two Opening Remarks - Workshop General Chair Mike McKeown, Hesse Mechatronics
9:00am- 9:30am
Development of a New Passivation Coating to Improve IC Packaging Reliability: A Pilot Trial Report Oliver Chyan, University of North Texas
9:30am- 10:00am
Applications of White Light Interferometry in Wire Bonding Metrology Ravi Chandra Chintala, Bruker
10:00am- 10:10am
10:10am- 10:55am
Coffee Break with Exhibitors
10:55am- 11:05am
11:05am- 11:35am
Heavy Copper Wire Bonding Solution in Mass Production Tao Xu, Kulicke & Soffa
11:35am- 12:05pm
Closing the Gap: Wire Bonding Standards for Surface Quality and Specification – Project “surfguide” Stefan Schmitz, Bond-IQ GmbH
Physic of Wire Bonding and Process Optimization Henri Seppaenen, Kulicke & Soffa Industries
This wire bonding professional development course provides deep dive into wire bonding technologies, techniques, process development, and optimization. The course will introduce wire bonding technologies from thin wire ball bonding and large wire wedge bonding to heavy ultrasonic copper ribbon bonding. After the introduction we present wire bonding fundamentals, the physics of bonding, and material science to understand the bonding process, process optimization, and reliability. We share practical methods for the wire bond process optimization, including parameter selection, destructive and non-destructive testing, and how to use analysis tools such as trace analysis, DOE, and response surface. The course will also highlight the recent advances in wire bonding technology and process development. This course is for anyone who wants to learn or deepen their understanding of wire bonding. Beginners will get practical information on how to improve the bonding process and seasoned professionals will get in-depth science-based knowledge in wire bonding, including references and links to the source materials.
Closing Remarks - Workshop General Chair
*Exhibits will be in the meeting space, placed around the perimeter of the room. Attendees are encouraged to visit with exhibitors during breaks, and not during presentations.
Exhibitor Move-In: Sunday, February 2nd, 6:00-7:00pm and Monday, February 3rd, 7:30-8:45am Exhibitor Move-Out: Tuesday, February 4th, 3:00-4:00pm Please note that exhibitor set-up/tear down will not be permitted while sessions are active.
Member Rate
On/Before January 10, 2025
Member rate will increase to $795 beginning January 11. Lock in the lower rate now!
Bond-IQ GmbH F & K Delvotec, Inc. Hesse Mechatronics Hybond Inc. Kyocera Kyzen Corporation Maxell Corporation of America Palomar Technologies, Inc. QP Technologies Sales & Service, Inc. TEC Associates Inc. Topline XYZTEC Inc.
PO Box 14727, Pittsburgh PA 15234 | Email Us | 1-919-293-5000