Submit Your Abstract





High Temperature Electronics Network (HiTEN) 2024
IMAPS Symposium


The IMAPS Technical Committee seeks original papers that demonstrate how new technologies and applications are expanding and redefining the international role of microelectronics. All abstracts submitted are recommended to be approximately 1,000-words in length.

All abstracts submitted for publishable proceedings papers must represent original, previously unpublished work. Abstracts submitted for workshops and NON-PROCEEDING PAPER events do not need to be previously unpublished, although it is recommended that with any submission, you propose updated/recent content. All information requested on this form must be provided and submitted with your abstract before your abstract will be considered. IMAPS reserves the right to reject any abstract/manuscript for failure to comply with publication guidelines below, linked from this page, or communicated via staff/committees.

Abstracts and papers should present unbiased descriptions of a certain method, technology, processes, or applications, discussing both pros and cons.  Both subtle and blatant advertisement of any products or services is in direct conflict with the spirit of the Symposium, Conferences and Workshops. In other words, the abstracts and papers should not be OVERLY COMMERCIAL but more technical in nature. Examples of commercial submissions include repeated references to products or trade names and excessive use of corporate logos and trademarks in graphic illustrations. Photographs of commercial equipment are not permitted unless they add educational value. IMAPS Program Committees request that all authors and presenters understand unambiguously that commercialism is inappropriate and will not be tolerated; authors are asked to abide by these constraints when preparing their abstracts, papers, and presentations.

The language for the IMAPS events and its publications is English, unless otherwise noted. Papers published in the Proceedings are eligible for publication in the IMAPS Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging after peer review. Submission of an abstract represents a commitment to submit a cleared manuscript by the publication deadline for the Symposium Proceedings. It also represents a commitment to either attend the conference or send a knowledgeable substitute who is qualified to present the material and answer questions regarding the reported work. It is the author's responsibility to obtain any necessary travel visas well in advance of the event. Read more on visa information.

A registration fee is associated with all IMAPS events and speakers are required to register. A special, reduced rate fee is offered to speakers and session chairs. Housing and transportation are the responsibility of the speaker. It is the author's responsibility to obtain internal company approvals consistent with the above terms and stated deadlines. If you have any questions, lease email

For Symposium/Conference Proceedings (events requiring full manuscripts) only :
Manuscripts which do not appear in the Proceedings will not be included in the final program and therefore cannot be presented at the Symposium. Electronic files of the manuscripts are recommended to be at least four (4) pages in length and a maximum of eight (8) pages (although authors can submit more than 8 pages if needed), including diagrams, figures, and photographs. Any papers that are accepted into the proceedings but authors fail to attend and present the work will be removed from all published materials.

Additional Speaker / Chair Information

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