Speaker/Chair Information
Roles and Responsibilities for Chairs/Speakers
Call For Abstracts and Technical Programs


Mark Gerber, ASE, Inc.
IMAPS Vice President of Technology

Brian Schieman, IMAPS
Executive Director


 Technical Leadership Roles & Responsibility Guide
General Chairs | Track Chairs | Session Chairs | Speakers


 RoleNumber Needed
(For each Chair)
(For each Chair/Speaker)
General Chair(s) 1-2

 •  1-2 Technical Chairs
(if not appointed by VP)

•  1-2 Keynote / Plenary Presentations

•  Marketing forecasting presentations

-  Overall technical focus, strategy, and management of committee
-  With Technical Chair, layout technical pyramid/supply chain for event
-  Writeup describing event and who should attend
-  Magazine articles if needed (Symposium)
-  Industry/Corporate sponsorship and support
-  University Support
-  Chapter Support

Track Chairs

 2-4 •  3-6+ Session Chairs each (Works/Confs)

•  30-50+ Session Chairs each (Symposium)

•  Abstract solicitation 

-  Create sessions for call for abstracts, secure chairs asap
-  Writeup describing program
-  With staff, create call for abstracts
-  Solicit abstracts
-  Monitor abstracts with Session Chairs to make sure program is coming together
-  Review abstracts and arrange sessions
-  Layout draft technical program
-  Attend paper selection meeting to finalize technical program (Symposium)
-  Send final copy of technical program to staff immediately following paper selection
-  Form Best of Session Review Committee of at least 5 people (Symposium)
-  Have Review Committee evaluate best manuscripts to identify top 5 (Symposium)
-  Review committee to attend each of best 5 presentations and select Best of Symposium and 2 Outstanding Papers from those  (Symposium)

Session Chairs 5-12+ (Works/Confs)

30-50+ (Symposium) 
  •  5-7+ Abstracts each  

-  Solicit abstracts for sessions
-  Writeup describing sessions
-  Work with Tech Chairs to review abstracts and arrange sessions
-  Review sessions and evaluate manuscripts for Best of Session (Symposium)
-  Attend speaker breakfast on morning of your sessions (Symposium)
-  Arrive in session room at least 20 minutes before sessions
-  Transfer speaker presentations to computer used in session room
-  Use bios provided by staff to introduce speakers during sessions
-  Announcements during session to complete evaluations, about changes, etc.
-  Hand out speaker certificates following each presentation (Conf./Workshop only)
-  Complete session chair feedback forms and submit to staff (Symposium Only)
-  Must register for event. Reduced fees are available for Session Chairs

Speakers 35+ (Works)

75+ (Confs)

200+ (Symp)
   -  Submit abstract
-  Submit extended abstract, full paper and/or powerpoint according to timeline and instructions for the event you are participating in (see event website)
-  Arrange travel and commit to attend
-  Book your hotel with the event HOST HOTEL (see event website) - BOOK EARLY!
-  Must register for event. Reduced fees are available for Speakers

-  Inform committee/staff of any changes to title, abstract, or speaker name/contact info
-  Send IMAPS VIP list you would like invited to the talk
-  Send notice to your colleagues/customers to attend your session/talk
-  For events requiring FULL PAPERS, download and submit your completed Copyright Form
-  For international travel requiring visas. It is recommended to allow at least 60-90 days for visa applications to process with your respective counties. Request this letter from IMAPS at least 90 days before your speaking date!
IMAPS will be happy to provide an invitation letter for visa purposes. We will need the following information from you:
-- Passport number and country of issue
-- Date of birth
-- Male/female
-- If presenting a paper, then the title of the paper
-- Employer Name of organization covering travel expenses
-- At what US Embassy or Consulate will you apply
Upon receiving these items listed, IMAPS will send you a signed pdf of the invitation 



PO Box 14727, Pittsburgh PA 15234 | Email Us | 1-919-293-5000