DPC 2025 Speaker Information

device packaging

2025 speaker information


Once you have been selected as a speaker for the 21st International Conference on Device Packaging, the following information on this speaker planning page will be critical as you plan your extended abstract, presentation, and get ready to join us in Arizona in March!  We understand that this conference may be new to many of our speakers, so we understand that you may have many questions about the timeline, process, deliverables, and other responsibilities.  Please visit this page often for continued updates, as well as direct email communications from IMAPS staff.  Please ensure that all @imaps.org email addresses are whitelisted in your email settings so that you receive timely communications from IMAPS.  If you need immediate assistant in your preparations, please contact IMAPS staff at info@imaps.org or kbowman@imaps.org



Keynotes will be delivered as plenary sessions (with all conference attendees together). These speaking roles are INVITED ONLY and our conference committee will reach out to those that will be invited into these positions. Keynote speakers will be expected to share a PDF copy of their presentation following the event.  More specific instructions will be communicated from IMAPS staff as well.


Panelists will be delivered as plenary sessions (with all conference attendees together). These speaking roles are INVITED ONLY and our conference committee will reach out to those that will be invited into these positions.   These are interactive/question and answer sessions; a brief bio will be required.  Moderators may request a few introductory slides.  More specific instructions will be communicated from IMAPS staff as well.

Technical Presentation in Topical Sessions

Regular technical presentations will be given in topically organized sessions.  These speakers will be required to provide an abstract of their paper (suggested minimum: 250 words), a 3-4 page "extended abstract" with text (figures and graphs included if necessary), presentation slides (to present and publish post conference), a short bio, and to register for the conference at the discounted speaker (or student) rate.  "Extended abstracts" and presentation slides are collected from the author after the acceptance of the initial abstract.  There is not a full proceedings.  IMAPS does share the extended abstract through our mobile app ONLY to conference attendees.  Should you need permission in advance from your company and/or organization, please begin this process immediately.  Failure to submit a final presentation PDF document to share with conference attendees may result in removal from the final program.

Poster Presentations

The poster session is planned to be an interactive presentation - held during an evening happy hour.  Posters will be available for viewing by attendees during this session only. Poster speakers will prepare their posters in a large poster format or by tacking up their slides one-by-one in sequence. Speakers will be asked to be near their poster for the full session (2-hours) and will be more interactive with visitors (answering questions, speaker to content, without scheduled start/stop times). These speakers will be required to provide abstracts, poster (or presentation slides to print and tack up on the poster boards), and to register for the conference at the discounted speaker (or student) rate.



November 15 Abstracts/PDC Submission Due
November 29 Speaker Acceptance/Rejection Notification
January 31 Speaker registration due (early rate) / Confirmation of Conference Attendance
February 3 Final/updated Speaker Bios and Photo Due - send to kbowman@imaps.org
February 3  Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass - Hotel Reservation Deadline 
February 3  Extended Abstracts Due - send to kbowman@imaps.org 
March 2  Presentation Ready - send to kbowman@imaps.org
March 3-6  Conference
*It is extremely important that you adhere to the above deadlines and below guidelines.  Failing to do so may result in your removal from the program.* 

There is not a formal proceedings for this Conference, therefore no copyright exchange at all.  We do share the extended abstracts through our mobile app ONLY to conference attendees.  We do not publish those "papers" further.  We invite you to submit your extended abstract to our JOURNAL if you wish to publish your paper in more complete form, peer reviewed and archived permanently.

  • Extended abstract template as a WORD doc file - Click HERE for the template
  • Please use this template to construct your extended abstract.
  • Most authors submit abstracts on average of 3-4 pages.  We do NOT recommend any shorter, but you can certainly go slightly longer too if you see the need and have the data.
  • Be sure to use a good section of references.
  • Extended abstracts are due on/before February 3.
  • Please send your 3-4+ page extended abstract in WORD format ideally (NO password protection) via e-mail to kbowman@imaps.org   If the file is too large/difficulty, please reach out to IMAPS staff and an upload link will be provided to you.
  • Speakers will have 30 minutes for their presentation slots (25-minutes to present + 5-minutes for questions).  Keynotes will have 45 minutes total (40-minutes to present + 5-minutes for questions).
  • Please send your presentation to kbowman@imaps.org on/before March 2.  If the file is too large, please reach out to kbowman@imaps.org and an upload link will be provided to you.  If you are unable to send your presentation ahead of the conference, you may bring your presentation on USB and load the file yourself or with your session chair's assistance onto the session laptop PRIOR TO (at a meal/meal break/first thing the morning of your presentation) the start of the session.
  • We recommend PowerPoint for your presentations.  Adobe Acrobat (PDF) is acceptable but will potentially limit your transitions, animations, etc.
  • We do NOT require IMAPS slide templates for this conference.  You may use your preferred/approved organizational templates.  We do encourage you to include the IMAPS 2025 show logo on your slides, or other conference details.
  • Please arrive at least 30-minutes prior to your presentation time.
  • We will have Sheraton Grand Wild Horse Pass hotel A/V and IMAPS staff onsite at the meeting if you have any questions or issues.
  • Our session chairs will begin the session with some comments, and then he or she will briefly introduce you with your bio (provided by you to IMAPS).  Chairs will then help moderate questions after the conclusion of your presentation.
  • The session room will be equipped with all the basic A/V: screen, podium, projector, session laptop, cables, microphones, speakers, and remote laser/remote pointer.  If you have any questions or special equipment needs, please let kbowman@imaps.org know BEFORE February 3.
  • There will be many opportunities for extended networking with the attendees during breakfasts, breaks, lunches, a Monday night welcome reception and a Tuesday evening reception in the Exhibit Hall.
  • Speakers will be required to register for the conference at the discounted speaker (or student) rate.
  • Posters will be available for viewing by attendees during this session only on Wednesday, March 5 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm on the Hemapik Lawn (outdoors, weather permitting).
  • Poster speakers will prepare their posters in a large poster format or by tacking up their slides one-by-one in sequence.
  • Poster boards are a maximum size of 4 feet tall by 8 feet wide.  Prepare your posters to be smaller than these dimensions.  You will have one-side of the poster board only (or 4x8 of total space).
  • Authors/speakers will be asked to be near their poster for the full session and will be more interactive with visitors (answering questions, speaking to content, without scheduled start/stop times).
  • Poster setup will be from 3:00 - 5:25 pm - prior to the start of the Poster Session.  Boards will be available on a first-come-first-served basis, so speakers can set up on whichever board they like that is available.
  • These speakers will be required to provide:  initial abstract, extended abstract, poster (or presentation slides to print and tack up on the poster boards), and to register for the conference at the discounted speaker (or student) rate.
  • Posters must be complete on/before March 4, 2025.  Poster speakers must print their own posters and bring them with them for set up.

PO Box 14727, Pittsburgh PA 15234 | Email Us | 1-919-293-5000